17-17 Nov 2022 Grenoble (France)

LGG Probability Day

The aim of this workshop is to gather probabilists from Geneva, Grenoble and Lyon. It is organized by Institut Fourier (Université Grenoble Alpes) and will take place at "Tour IRMA, salle 1" on November, 17th, from 10am to 5pm ("Tour IRMA" is just in front of Institut Fourier; enter the building and "salle 1" is on the left). The welcome starts at 9am.

Registration is over -- 35 people registered!

We can provide fundings to cover the travels but we encourage everyone who can easily pay their train tickets themselves to do it.

The planning is now available (in order to see the abstracts, click on the pdf buttons on the right of each title).

How to go to Institut Fourier:

  • From Grenoble main station, take Tram B (towards Gières) and get off at "Bibliothèques Universitaires" (this will take between 20 and 25 minutes). Then walk during 1 minute: the lab is just behind the restaurant "Le Martin's".
  • From Switzerland and Savoy, it is shorter to get off the train at "Grenoble Universités Gières" . Then, take Tram B (towards Grenoble) and get off at "Bibliothèques Universitaires" (this will take roughly 5 minutes). Finally, walk during 1 minute: the lab is just behind the restaurant "Le Martin's".

If you have any question, please send an email to hugo.vanneuville [at] univ-grenoble-alpes [dot] fr .

Fundings from: Fédération de Recherche en Mathématiques Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

A planar Gaussian field with Cauchy kernel of very small parameter (simulation by Simon Coste)

(The picture represents a planar Gaussian field with Cauchy kernel of very small parameter -- simulation by Simon Coste.)


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